
Don't miss our exclusive offers!

Don’t miss our exclusive offers!

In this section you will find our services in tailor-made holiday packages.

Discover our value-added offers that will save you time and money.

An escape from the crowd!

Try your holidays on the beach of Jesolo in periods of low turnout. So enjoy the absolute tranquility and a break from the hectic life in our heated pool. Our property also offers a shallow pool for the little ones.

Then take advantage of the low season for a trip out of town, renting free classic bikes or electric bikes and admiring the sunsets in the breathtaking lagoon landscapes. It is easy to reach the nearby Venice!

Be careful though that the longer you stay with us, the more you save! By booking within a certain date you can enjoy additional discounts.

Early Booking Promo 10% off

The sooner you book, the more you save. 
Plan your next summer holidays in Jesolo, book your stay at Hotel Bristol and save on the total budget of the holiday.


Special Offer IRONMAN 70.3 2025

Explore our exclusive deal for athletes, companions, and fans of this adrenaline-pumping competition!